Saturday, 29 December 2007


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Very pussy, very geeky squared out pussy, bunch of worm niggas, truss me on that, no family having fucking loners, bare fucking typical paedophilles, bare, an I'm not dissing normal people that have gone through trials an tribulations in life, know about real struggle, I mean I've gone through things in my younger days wit my parents to the point were I was thrown out an all that type of stuff, I'm not talking about brothers an sisters that are coming from fucked up situations an trying to survive in life, survive poverty who have no or only one parent to fall back on, if even that, real fucking poverty situations, the real struggle, real lives, big up all my people in the struggle, nah I'm talking about middle class(money wise), whatless, dirty old fogies, young tramps wit money, dickhead sex offenders, dickhead deviants from the entertainment industry that have been disowned by there families because there pure waste, waste upon waste, you see what I'm saying, fucking degenerate fucking perverts, no fucking families, fucking loners, typical ponces, typical dickhead paedophilles, or have a kid but are more infactuated an obsessed an love up someone else, a fucking stranger that hates there fucking guts, than giving there own kid a normal fucking family life, stupid fucking dickheads, top dickheads on the roads, on a big boy level, fucking pricks, stupid dickheads, fucking wastemen an waste chicks, professional levels, textbook, original you know

Real road niggas run the fucking streets, you fassy's just run, now run go listen someone take a shit, run go listen someone go sleep all night, go on off key pervert, run go listen someone have a bath, go on battyman, waste chick, its the only way you butters, troll fat lard, aids bitches, waste chicks can get man, you dickheads, fucking pricks, repressed freak bitches from the caves wit no experience in life because your butters, straight, look at the hoes on that list, there all ugly, troll, known butters fat lard, aids bitches, its the only way you faggots can get your dream man, because you industry fassies mash brares anyway, don't front, you like man, don't front, you listen man have bath, take shit, go sleep, you like man, don't front, no shoobz, no chicks, no champagne, no familes, just brares in there free time, paying studio time to check brares, wit brares on top of brares, checking little kids...wit tea an biscuits, don't front, you like man, don't front, you like little kids, don't front, you bunch of degenerate perverts, top dickheads, real road niggas run the fucking streets you bunch of pastics, in doors an studio 24-7, hermits like, shook of the streets, shook diffrently, an theirs nuthin wrong wit that, you're obvious battymen an squared out, goofy, butters, waste chicks, theirs nuthin street about anyone on that list, nuthin street about none of them, they ain't road at all, an I ain't a road nigga neither, I don't need to front, I happy wit myself inside an out, all day, everyday, I'm a average brare on the roads, I'm a nobody like, I'm not a gangster at all, I’m a average brare like, I don't need to front, thats why I can walk the streets wit my head high, truss me on that, no fronting over here, no faggot, paedophille shit over here, I ain't them at all, I'm a average brare on the roads, but I will switch on any fassy little poom poom devil piece of pussy, paedophille, stupid battyman, waste chick ponce, that trys that paedophille shit wit my famo, its nuthin long, because if your a battyman or paedophille, it means your nuthin out here, I don’t care what you’ve done, from when you show me your gay or a stupid fucking paedophile, it means your nuthin to man, don’t care who you are, from when I see that now, an you try it wit my famo, I’ll switch on niggas quick, truss me on that, a paedophile can’t be gangsta on this planet, a pussy, coward, voyeur piece of shit sex offender,off key pervert, worm nigga, waste chick freak bitch can’t be gangsta on this planet, a battyman can’t be gangsta on this planet, that’s just the way it is in real ends, its just real like, theirs nuthin I can do about it, its just the way reality is, I can’t change that you know, its real

Its good you fassy’s don’t front on the roads, its good, that’s how it should be, a ponce, battyman should play its position you know, its nice, but then don’t front when you get on the fucking mic, don’t front when your in the studio on the fucking mic, an don’t fucking front when your in your homes neither, none of you live in fortresses…apart from Ian Wright…you know, you see what I’m saying, you know them way there, be your fassy ponce self just like you are on the roads, when you get on the mic an in your homes, stop living out your off key, degenerate, perverted, twisted sex fantasies on the mic an in your homes, stop doing that shit dickheads, stop doing it, don’t do it, don’t do it, your money is getting flopped now, I’m going to flop your money you stupid bunch of fassy little ponces, your money is goin to get flopped, truss me on that, its nuthin long, your money is getting flopped, truss, watch when the website pops off, its over, its nuthin long, yes surr, that will be the nail in the coffin, its nuthin long, its real, you shouldn’t be around any of my kids or human being communities, you fucking lower specie weird type of pussy penis devil, fucking pussy little devil worshippers

I’m a god fearing yoot, I’m not religious or anything, I don’t subscribe to any particular religion, I take bits an pieces from all religions an keep it moving, I’m spiritual, I believe in higher powers, good over evil, its in the bible, god is on my side, jah has my back, allah is wit me, allah ackbar, god is great, big up all my rasta generals, all my muslims warriors, big up my christian crew, all my gods an earths, my 5% crew, salute, no fake shit, big up all authentic religious crew that follows whats in the scriptures, big up, salute, no fake shit

The charade is over now, your squared out, goofy, paedophile, pussy little voyeur, faggot, waste chick ponced out, sex offenders hiding in the music industry, nothing less, nothing more, simple as, top……dickheads, typical no family having, loner, dickhead, pussy little paedophiles, fucking middle class tramps, go suck out your grannies, suck your mums…twelve times, you obeah/scanner fucking pussy little sex fiends, obeah/scanner off key sex addicts, dickheads, go suck your mum, lets go

Sunday, 23 December 2007


Entertainment Industy

Ms Dynamite(fake revolutionary mc/singer)

Phoebe 1(square, geek, clown from the sticks in her late 30’s/early 40’s trying to talk hood dj)

Tinchy Styder(frontman pussy mc)

Trim(frontman pussy mc)

Kano(frontman pussy mc)

Lethal B(frontman/battyman pussy mc that hires security guards for the hood when he’s out on the roads )

Fumin(frontman pussy mc)

Wyclef(clown wannabe corny world music pussy mc)

Styles P(frontman mc)

Paradise(fake revolutionary mc)

Big Narstie(from N Double A)(frontman clown pussy mc)

N Dubz(george Michael loving fake battyman mc)

Dizzeee Rascal(sellout pussy frontman mc)

Jay Sean(upper middle class, rich clown, pussy nigga that gets bad up by 14 year old suburb chicks music guy)

Wong(corny clown mc)

Mica Paris(washed up corny pop singer in her 40’s that thinks she’s hood)

Ian Wright(squared out goofy black gizzer rich retired footballer)

Milkymans(9 to 5 mc)

E-17(corny pussy pop singer customer mudda fuckers)

Robbie Gee(in his 40s battyman that likes to dress up as females gay actor black gizzer mudda fucker)

Shystie(9 to 5 mc)

Baby Blue(9 to 5 mc)

Lady Soverign(no talent, carpet muncher 9 to 5 mc)

Wildflower(backpacer mc)

Simon Webbe(corny pop singing mr t haircut buzing square goofy mudda fucker)

Alicia Dixon(corny 9 to 5 university educated mc/singer)

Mark Morrison(wannabe corny r’n’b singer)

Zena(corny 9 to 5 singer)

Jamelia(corny squared out 9 to 5 pop singer)

Beverly Knight(squared out fake born again Christian corny rock/pop singer)

Ace & Invisible(corny feisty r’n’b niggas rap dj’s 9 to5 yoots)

Estelle(corny squared out 9 to 5 mc/singer)

Gabrielle(corny squared out 9 to 5 pop singer in her early 40s)

Big P(frontman mc)

Bruza(corny 9 to 5 black gizzer fassy mc)

Known(confirmed) Ponces Hiding In The Suburbs An The Hood

‘Titch’(fake tug/pussy, battyman on the roads) from College Park(in the borough of Hammersmith & Fulham), NW10, London, England, UK

no family having whatless fucking middle class fucking tramps, bare fucking degenerate perverts, dickhead fucking deviants, wasteman, waste chick fucking dickheads, original, professional levels, textbook, wasteman, waste chick tramps, truss, fucking pricks, its nuthin long, lets go...stupid homosexual, waste chick obeah/scanner sex fiend, pussyholes

Friday, 21 December 2007


This blog is to expose these suspected ponces(paedophilles) until I
can get my website up an running an expose them on a bigger level you
know, flop there money, stupid degenerate pervert, sex offender
dickhead deviants, bare child molesterers, they couldn't bad up anyone
over the age of ten, but under that age, there own kids, thats the
type of shook, fassy, piece of pussy, typical ponces, sex offenders
that they are you know, true stories

When I get my website up an running, I'll have audios of them on the
website that people can pay for an make up there own minds on who they
think it is you know, I've got to charge for those audios because I'm
a bizness man, I'm not a wasteman at all, I'm not them at all, I'm
about money all the way, straight down the line you know, I could not
pay out of my own money to expose these fassy little ponces for free,
I'm not wasting money on no wasteman/waste chick piece of pussy sex
offender, hell no, out of my own pocket, your mad, I'm about money,
all the way, I'm a bizness man, I came up right, I came up real like,
you get me, they came up bogus, shook an fassy, true stories, its real

Paying studio time not to make tunes, nah not using that money to make
tunes, but to check on brares(man), wit brares, no chicks, just brares
wit brares in there free time paying to check brares wit brares, no
chicks, just brares checking brares, no champagne, just tea an
biscuits an brares checking brares, no shoobz(nightclubs), friday,
saturday, sunday, no family, just brares on top of brares checking
brares an little kids, yeah, fucking wastemen, waste chicks that can't
get man on the road, because there too fucking butters, AIDS looking
bitches, or fat piece of lard, shapeless jabba the hut species type
bitches, you see what I'm saying, they only way to get man is by using
voyeurism tactics, listening brares take shit, go sleep, check little
kids an all that type of shizzle, fucking dickheads, bare fucking
waste, original, professional wasteman/waste chicks, textbook you
know, there whole sexual organs are twisted, bare off key perverts
that can't take rejection

Fucking pastics, fucking idolise an infactuated an obsessed wit a
stranger that hates there guts, there rather check a stranger that
hates there guts more than leading a normal family life wit there
kids, yeah, a handful of these troll waste chick bitches actually have
kids, its crazy, they got lucky, there more infactuated an in love an
obsessed wit a stranger that hates there guts than looking after there
own kids in a proper fucking fashion, you see what I'm saying

Degenarate fucking pervert, dickhead deviants, I hate your guts, I
hate all paedophilles, get a woman or man, above age, on the fucking
roads, don't check little kids, you stupid fucking dickheads, I hate
all fucking faggots that try to push there dickhead lifestyles onto
people that don't agree wit it you know, true fucking stories, god
made adam an eve, not adam an steve, adam an fucking titch from
college park, fuck em, I hate all paedophilles an gays that try it wit
a passion, yes I do, I reject you all day, everyday, its nuthin long,
I reject you, take your rejection like a fucking adult you stupid
fucking pussy little poom poom devil, sex offender voyeurs, ponces,
bare typical fucking little pussy little always hiding fucking ponces,
fuck em, YEH, lets go



These are known suspect, degenerate, pervert, dickhead wastman/waste chick deviants, known clowns hiding in the suburbs, hoods, frontman mc’s, industry fools, battymen, pussies, sex offender cowards, prick squares geeks, obeah/scanner user/sex fiends an so on an so on, who I know from experience are voyeurs an show paedohille tendancies, ponce tendacies, lifestyles, bare undercover, this is from personal experience from these suspected parasites you know

I’ll expose these suspected ponces infactuated an obsessed wit me an my famo more than taking care of there own kids an own family, very off key voyeurs, sex offenders, probably been disowned by there own familys because of the amount of time they pay studio time an in there own free time to voyeur mine because there pure waste, an there family’s switched on them you know

Until I found out it ain’t them an take there names off, I’ll try flop there money an that an expose them, they shouldn’t be around my kids, they shouldn’t be around my people, African, Carribean, Asia, Middle East, Latino, white human beings, that’s my people, if its them, they shouldn’t be around them, here’s the list

Entertainment Industy

Ms Dynamite(fake revolutionary mc/singer)

Phoebe 1(square, geek, clown from the sticks in her late 30’s/early 40’s trying to talk hood dj)

Tinchy Styder(frontman pussy mc)

Trim(frontman pussy mc)

Kano(frontman pussy mc)

Lethal B(frontman/battyman pussy mc that hires security guards for the hood when he’s out on the roads )

Fumin(frontman pussy mc)

Wyclef(clown wannabe corny world music pussy mc)

Styles P(frontman mc)

Paradise(fake revolutionary mc)

Big Narstie(from N Double A)(frontman clown pussy mc)

N Dubz(george Michael loving fake battyman mc)

Dizzeee Rascal(sellout pussy frontman mc)

Jay Sean(upper middle class, rich clown, pussy nigga that gets bad up by 14 year old suburb chicks music guy)

Wong(corny clown mc)

Mica Paris(washed up corny pop singer in her 40’s that thinks she’s hood)

Ian Wright(squared out goofy black gizzer rich retired footballer)

Milkymans(9 to 5 mc)

E-17(corny pussy pop singer customer mudda fuckers)

Robbie Gee(in his 40s battyman that likes to dress up as females gay actor black gizzer mudda fucker)

Shystie(9 to 5 mc)

Baby Blue(9 to 5 mc)

Lady Soverign(no talent, carpet muncher 9 to 5 mc)

Wildflower(backpacer mc)

Simon Webbe(corny pop singing mr t haircut buzing square goofy mudda fucker)

Alicia Dixon(corny 9 to 5 university educated mc/singer)

Mark Morrison(wannabe corny r’n’b singer)

Zena(corny 9 to 5 singer)

Jamelia(corny squared out 9 to 5 pop singer)

Beverly Knight(squared out fake born again Christian corny rock/pop singer)

Ace & Invisible(corny feisty r’n’b niggas rap dj’s 9 to 5 yoots)

Estelle(corny squared out 9 to 5 mc/singer)

Known(confirmed) Ponces Hiding In The Suburbs An The Hood

‘Titch’(fake tug/pussy, battyman on the roads) from College Park(in the borough of Hammersmith & Fulham), NW10, London, England, UK